Potenza e portatilità: la rivoluzione V-Accordion continua
Molte sono le doti della fisarmonica tradizionale, dalla sua espressività alla sua portatilità. Ma se vi siete mai chiesti dove potreste arrivare grazie ad una fisarmonica digitale Roland V-Accordion, la nuova Roland FR-4 vi offre l’occasione per scoprirlo. Con il suo design leggero e compatto, il suo mantice che risponde in modo preciso a ogni movimento, e diffusori incorporati, questo ultimo modello vi farà sentire a casa come la vostra fisarmonica acustica preferita, anche grazie agli efficienti diffusori incorporati. Ma con lo stesso potente generatore sonoro della Roland FR-8X, questa fisarmonica digitale si spinge ben oltre. Scegliete tra un’ampia selezione di timbri di fisarmoniche provenienti da tutto il mondo, e suonate silenziosamente usando le cuffie o collegatevi ad unPA per le vostre esecuzioni dal vivo. Controllate altri strumenti musicali elettronici tramite il connettore MIDI, o registrate la vostra esecuzione su una memoria USB collegata e condividete la vostra musica con tutto il mondo. Se la timbrica e il modo di suonare sono tradizionali, la Roland FR-4 è la fisarmonica per l’era moderna. Fisarmonica cromatica portatile con suoni al vertice della gamma, registratore incorporato e molto altro.
Keyboard, Bass & BellowsRight hand37 keys (with velocity sensitivity)Left hand120 bass buttons (with velocity sensitivity)Bass & Chord Mode (Left-Hand Keyboard Note Layout)2 Bass Rows, 3 Bass Rows A-7th, 3 Bass Rows A-5dim, 3 Bass Rows B-7th, 3 Bass Rows B-5dim, 3 Bass Rows Bx-7th, 3 Bass Rows BelgiumFree Bass Mode (Left-Hand Keyboard Note Layout)Minor 3rd, Bajan, Fifth, North Europe, FinnishBellowsHigh-resolution pressure sensor for the detection of bellows pressure
Bellows resistance regulator: wheel with fine adjustmentBellows curveFixed Low, Fixed Med, Fixed High, X-Light, Light, Standard, Heavy, X-Heavy, Close, Open, Tango, Traditional, Jazz, Classic, Dynamic1, Dynamic2Sound sourceMax polyphony128 voicesTones (Accordion Set)100 Accordion Sets
Each Accordion Set includes (number of sounds that can be assigned to the register buttons):
Right Hand Registers: 14 Accordion registers, 14 Orchestra registers, 14 Organ registers
Left Hand Registers: 7 Bass & Chord registers, 7 Free Bass registers,
7 Orchestra Bass registers, 7 Orchestra Chord registers, 7 Orchestra Free Bass registersReed Footages7 Treble, 5 Bass, 3 Chord, 2 Free BassOrchestral sounds162
* Orchestral sounds can also be used with orchestral bass sounds, orchestral chord sounds, and orchestral free bass sounds.Organ sounds (Virtual Tone Wheel)32 presets for Treble, Orchestra Chord and Orchestra Free Bass sections,
16 presets for Orchestra Bass sectionDrum Sets3User Programs98: 7 User Program Bank x 14 registersPBM (Physical Behavior Modeling)NoisesStopping-reed growl, Closing valve noise, Left button noiseIndividual Reed SimulationHysteresis Threshold, Expression Curve, Pressure-Variant Filter, Pressure-Variant Pitch DeviationSwitching Reed Sound WaveBy bellows acceleration, by note repetition speedBellows opening/closing sound changeBy bellows opening/closing detectionMusette TuningMicro-Tuning Presets16 Types: Off, Dry, Classic, F-Folk, American L/H, North Europe, German L/H, D-Folk L/H, Alpine, Italian L/H, French, ScottishFine Tuning reed footages 8- / 8+-100 to 0 to +100EffectsReverb8 types
* Includes delay type.Chorus8 types
* Includes delay type.Rotary for Organ soundSlow/Fast“Cassotto” simulationYes4 Band EQ for Internal SpeakersYesPanel ControlsKnob controls & RegistersVolume, Balance, Reverb, Chorus,
Right hand register buttons 7 x 2
* Use the A/B button to switch between sounds assigned to the register buttons.
Left hand register buttons 7Navigation switchesMenu/Write, Exit/No, Enter/Yes, Cursor , Value -/+ (Set Down/Up)Other switchesRight Hand Parts switches (Accordion, Orchestra, Organ)
Left Hand Parts switches (Drums, Orch Bass, Orch Chrd/F.Bass, F.Bass, Bass&Chrd)
User Program, Song List, Play/Pause, Rec, PowerAdditional switches6 user assignable function switches on last row of bass buttons